Rob and Deb Kane, Tanjenong Camp


Deb and Rob moved to Tanjenong from Canada at the beginning of 2006. Rob is a Canadian who has lived much of his life in Sydney. He is a builder and an artist who likes exploring alternative and more sustainable building methods For only the second time in Australia, Rob has used the aircrete method for making the bricks that have been used to construct Mabi dome. Deb is an artist and loves to add to her work as a painter and sculptor by recycling any available commercial products, paints, doors, windows etc. Sourcing all that the local environment provides and working with objects found in nature are another important expression in her work. All the mosaics at Tanjenong Camp are created with stones from the Abercrombie River and any of the wood or rock sculptures at the camp have all come from the escarpment of Tanjenong Camp itself.

Tanjenong is the property where Deb spent much of her childhood. Rob and Deb now live on the property and enjoy sharing the incredible views and bush land with the visitors to the camp